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Visible Body

Interactive anatomy and physiology tool with links to medical definitions and pathologies. Users can download images, add notes and undertake quizzes.

Visible Body’s health and life sciences library contains over 24,000 assets, including 3D gross and microanatomy models, virtual animal dissection models, diagnostic images, animations, and interactive simulations of biological processes. [Source]

Visible Body Access

Available to NHS staff and students at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.

To access Visible Body will need to use your OpenAthens logon. If you do not have an OpenAthens account, please register for this first. You will then be able to access Visible Body in addition to the thousands of resources to which the NHS subscribes.

Useful Links

BMJ Best Practice


Library Catalogue



Visible Body

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